• Sending product you ordered from our web site (, across  Turkey  via shipping company called DHL, will be provided in the standard delivery process.
  • We plan that orders will be delivered to the shipping company on the next working day.


  • If the order is placed on a public holiday, we deliver the ordered product to the shipping company within the next working day.


  • We plan that orders placed on special days and public holidays will be delivered to the shipping company on the next working day.


  • Shipping companies may not be able to receive orders due to the intensity experienced on special days and some special discount periods. In such cases, orders can be processed on the next working day. The shipping company is responsible for the delays that occur during these times.


  • At the delivery time, the shipping personnel receives a signature from you that you have received the product in complete and solid. If there is a package that you think may be damaged during the shipment, open and check the package in front of the shipping personnel while receiving it. If the product arrives damaged, do not take delivery of the product by keeping a report to the authorized person. Changing of products takes place within fourteen (14) business days. In such a case, we will not charge you for an additional product or shipping cost.


  • Contact with our customer contact center for the return of defective or incomplete products that you received during delivery without realizing it. Our customer contact center may ask you to send a photo showing the defect or deficiency of the product. If, as a result of the examination, it is determined that the defect is not caused by the consumer, the changing process takes place with the same product. The invoice of the product must be sent to us together with the product to be changed.




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